Ductility means that in design calculation, assumptions for classification and rotation of hinges are accepted. Agt denotes the elongation up to ultimate load without reduction of cross-section. This is not to be confused with total elongation, A, up to rupture, as described in ASTM A370 and stated on mill certificates. Usually elongation, a, has double the value of Agt The ductility of Agt > 5% is required for the finished hollow-bar, not for the steel tube it is manufactured from and which is given on the mill certificate of the steel mill.
(The information is from the Titan website)
How to measure Agt of the hollow bar?
Agt Calculate
For example:
Measurement zone of Agt (Ag) and A
Assume the tensile strength of this hollow bar, Rm = 800 N/mm2
Measurement (as shown) and calculated:
Agt = Ag+ Rm / 2000
Ag = {(110.03mm-100mm) / 100mm}*100 = 10
Rm / 2000 = 800 / 2000 = 0.4
Agt = 10.4
A = {(117.68mm-100mm) / 100mm}*100 = 17.6
Result: The elongation of the hollow bar: Agt = 10.4(%) A = 17.6(%)